Diocesan offices and their programmes
The main activities/Programs carried by the WID Offices in the dioceses are as follows:
1. Arusha Diocese: P.O.Box 3044
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Macrine Rumanyika
WID Program components:
- Skills training on: - Business Management
- Credit Scheme and Enterpreneurship
- Food security and Nutrition
- Gender and Development (GAD)
- Income generating projects such as grinding mills, vegetable gardening, agriculture, livestock keeping and handicrafts.
- Follow up of group activities and co-ordination.
- Single mothers.
2. Bukoba Diocese: P.O.Box Private Bag
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Petronila Leonard
WID Program components:
- Skills training on: - group dynamics
- management of development project
- tailoring and embroidery
- Conscientisation on Gender and Development
- Income Generating Projects such as Tailoring, petty trade, shops, cafeteria, agriculture and livestock keeping.
3. Dar es Salaam Archdiocese: P.O.Box 167
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Comfort Mfangavo
WID Program components:
- Workshops on education for transformation (DELTA) as well as on leadership and management skills has been organised
- Skills training on
- Appropriate technology
- Improved business management
- Counselling and guidance for single mothers
- Facilitation of access to credit
- Awareness raising on :Gender and Development and violence against women and children
4. Dodoma Diocese: P.O.Box 922
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Alphonsina Joseph
WID Program components:
- Animation and conscientisation on:
- Gender and Development
- Food security and nutrition
- Seminars for women group leaders on projects planning, implementation and evaluation.
- Income Generating Projects such as livestock keeping, agriculture and tailoring
5. Geita Diocese: P.O.Box 120
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Annuciata Chacha $ Sr. S. Kajara
WID Program components:
- Awareness building
- Group formation and leadership skills
- Projects management
- Groups formation of single mothers
- Counselling for women in distress
- Skills training on:
- Sewing for Std VII school leavers and for interested women from around Geita town,
- In co-operation with the agricultural section of the Caritas department, training in organic farming and sustainable agriculture.
- Income generating projects such as tailoring, agriculture, petty trade eg. shops and cafeteria.
- Follow up of group activities.
6. Iringa Diocese: P.O.Box 133
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Sabina Witness
WID Program components:
- Training on: Management of projects
Savings and credit scheme
- Sustainable agriculture
- Gender and Development
- Appropriate technology e.g Bricks making, improved cooking stoves
- Income generating projects such as handicrafts, oil squeezing, vegetable gardening etc
7. Kahama Diocese: P.O.Box 400
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. G. Lanta & Ms. Flora Kalamata
WID Program components:
- Awareness building, group formation and training:
- Workshops on education for transformation (DELTA) as well as on leadership and management skills have been organised for the following target groups: Leaders at diocesan level, members of parish development committees, WID animators at Parish level and leaders of women groups/single mothers.
- A survey on the situation of single mothers was carried out in Kahama town area in 1996. So far 10 groups of single mothers are organised in Kahama town and in the surrounding rural areas
- Appropriate technology training
- Income Generating Projects such as running of cafeteria and shops, farming and vegetable growing, buying and selling of crops, petty trade, Tailoring, pottery and handicrafts.
8. Kigoma Diocese: P.O.Box 71
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Cecilia Kalima
WID Program components:
- Awareness raising on Gender and Development and violence against women and Children.
- Training on: Leadership and Management of projects
- Income generating projects such as agriculture, livestock keeping, fishing and oil squeezing
- Follow up of group activities and co-ordination
9. Mahenge Diocese: P.O.Box 102
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Clementina Mallya
WID Program components:
- Projects planning and management
- Tailoring and embroidery for school leavers
- Awareness raising on Gender and Development
- Income generating projects such as agriculture, livestock keeping, tailoring, handicrafts etc.
10. Lindi Diocese: P.O.Box 435
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Cecilia Ungele
WID Program components:
- Animation and conscientisation on Gender and Development and violence against women
- Income generating projects such as agriculture, handicrafts, livestock keeping and fish ponds.
- Follow up of group projects and co-ordination
11. Mbeya Diocese: P.O.Box 179
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Mwakatobe & Ms. A Mwanukuzi
WID Program components:
- Organic farming and sustainable agriculture
- Appropriate technology
- Projects planning and management
- Income generating projects such as livestock keeping tailoring etc
12. Mbulu Diocese: P.O.Box 49
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Ansila Tembo
WID Program components:
- Animation and training on Gender and Development (GAD)
- Skills training on: Leadership and Management by using DELTA approach
- Income generating projects such as small business, agriculture, livestock keeping and grinding mills.
13. Mbinga Diocese: P.O.Box 94
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Tunu Lupogo
WID Program components:
- Skills training on: micro enterpreneurship
Projects planning and management
- Gender and Development
- Income generating projects such as small business, agriculture and livestock keeping
14. Morogoro Diocese: P.O.Box 640
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Placida Maselle
WID Program components:
- Animation and Training on: Projects planning and management
Savings and Credit
- Income generating projects such as agriculture, tailoring and livestock keeping
- Follow up of women groups and co-ordination
15. Moshi Diocese: P.O.Box 3011
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Gregory Tarimo
WID Program components:
- projects management and leadership
- Tailoring and embroidery (homecraft)
- Income generating projects such as agriculture, vegetable gardening and livestock keeping
16. Mtwara Diocese: P.O.Box 526
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Verena Mahundu
WID Programs components:
- Animation and training on Gender and Development
- Skills training on: Micro enterpreneurship
Projects planning and management
- Income generating projects such as agriculture, handicrafts, tailoring and batiks and tie & dye making.
- Co-ordination and monitoring of WID activities
17. Musoma Diocese: P.O.Box 93
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Fausta Chuwa $ Ms. Regina Andrea
WID Program components:
- Conscientisation / animation:
- Development education and leadership in action (DELTA)
- Gender and Development
- Food security and nutrition
- HIV and AIDS
- Projects planning and management skills training
- Formation program for single mothers and counselling
- Revolving fund for income generating activities
- Follow up of group activities/co-ordination
- Appropriate technology
18. Mwanza Archdiocese: P.O.Box 1421
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Mary Salu
WID Program components:
- Sustainable agriculture
- Afforestation
- Street Children
19. Njombe Diocese: P.O.Box 54
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Telesphora Mfikwa
WID Program components:
- Sustainable agriculture
- Income generating projects such as tailoring, weaving, handicrafts, grinding mill etc
20. Rulenge Diocese: P.O.Box 50 Ngara
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Gaudioza Fidelis $ Helen Adrian
WID Program components:
- Education for transformation (DELTA) and leadership training are organised at deanery level
- Skills training on project management, farming vegetable gardening, and sustainable agriculture
- Counselling for women in distress
- Income generating projects/credit scheme
- Follow - up and co-ordination.
21. Same Diocese: P.O.Box 8
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Honorata Mvungi (Grail)
WID Program components:
- Animation and training on: Management and leadership
- Gender and Development
- Income generating projects such as agriculture, tailoring petty trade and shops.
- Nursery schools
22. Shinyanga Diocese: P.O.Box 47
At the end of 1995, an agricultural and Training Programme for women farmers and women groups in general was initiated under the Diocesan Agricultural Program. The program is still continuing and is carried out in several parishes, outstations and villages. The training focuses especially on introduction of sunflower cultivation, demonstration on processing sunflower oil and vegetable gardening. Survey for the next phase of the WID program is still going on.
23. Singida Diocese P.O.Box 487
Name of WID Co-ordinator:
WID Program components:
- Gender and Development
- Training on micro enterpreneurship
- Income generating projects such as bakery, fishing agriculture etc.
24. Songea Archdiocese: P.O.Box 152
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Luciana Komba
WID Program components:
- Animation and training on:
- Development Education and Leadership in Action (DELTA)
- Gender and Development (GAD)
- Skills training on tailoring and embroidery
- Savings and Credit scheme for Income generating projects
- Follow-up of group activities/co-ordination
25. Sumbawanga Diocese: P.O.Box 34
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Rosalie Mwanakulya
WID Program components:
- Awareness raising on Gender and Development and violence against women
- Formation of WID groups
- Skills training on tailoring, book-keeping and project management.
26. Tabora Archdiocese: P.O.Box Private Bag
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Bertha Kayila
WID Program components:
- Animation and Training on:
- Gender and Development
- Food security and nutrition
- Single mothers
- Counselling for women in distress
- Income generating activities such as agriculture, sewing, handicraftsand buying and selling of fish
27. Tanga Diocese: P.O.Box 1108
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Eugenia Mtenga
WID Program components:
- Animation and Training on:
- Gender and Development
- Projects planning and management skills training
- Income generating activities such as agriculture, sewing, handicrafts, livestock keeping etc
- Follow up of group activities
28. Tunduru Masasi Diocese: P.O.Box 240 Tunduru
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Ms. Fortunata Mbeya
WID Program components:
- Awareness raising, group formation and training for group leaders
- Consultation workshop for women group leaders
- Counselling for women in distress
- Income generating activities such as agriculture, sewing and handicrafts etc
29. Zanzibar Diocese: P.O.Box 294
Name of WID Co-ordinator: Sr. Cresensia Joseph
WID Program components:
- Restructuring of the Caritas/WID program is going on
- Income generating activities such as poultry keeping and agriculture in Pemba and piggery, handicrafts and sewing in Unguja.
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Last uptodated November 09, 1998