Do we need to train our staff on gender issues?
The answer is YES.
This is the answer from Caritas Tanzania because:
1.1 Since its inception, a lot of efforts have been made to empower and assist the marginalised people especially at the grassroots level to participate in development activities. This was possible through animation and training, advocacy and lobbying, funding of microprojects etc. However sometimes it has not taken recognition of the existing gender imbalance at the different levels in the development work of the church and within Tanzania context. In this case, Caritas Tanzania will still face many hindrance in implementing her development programmes if the issue of Gender will not be dealt accordingly.
1.2 In recognition to the above factor, Caritas Tanzania through its section of Women In Development organised a three years programme in which the first year of the programme focused on GAD. The National TOT workshop was organised for the Diocesan WID Co-ordinators and the Zonal Representatives of Caritas. Those who were trained in that workshop are now organising similar trainings in their Dioceses/Zones.
1.3 The need to organise a GAD training at the Catholic Secretariat emanated from the issues cropped out from the programme and to the fact that gender mainstreaming is the responsibility of each and every one within the development context towards the attainment of integral human development.
2.0 Gender and Development Workshop:
2.1 A one day workshop was held on 14th January 2000 at Tanzania Episcopal Conference and Training Centre. The participants were:
2.1 The workshop intended to facilitate the change of attitude which will create a favourable environment to mainstream gender in all development activities within the Catholic Secretariat.
2.2 The main objective of the workshop was to create awareness on gender issues which shall enhance gender mainstreaming in the development work. Therefore the participants were able to:
3.0 Workshop contents:
The following contents were covered:
Updated by Ms Oliva Kinabo February 3, 2000