Refugees/Asylum seekers Rehabilitation Centre


Tanzania is currently a host of largest refugee population in the Great Lakes Region But the Tanzania’s generous  asylum seekers policies of integration and assimilation of refugee population have drastically changed.  There is also growing xenophobia and anti-refugee sentiments among Tanzanians of all walks of lives and is notably hardened.  The assistance provided to the vulnerable refugees is in many aspects unsatisfactory, these leaves them in miserable situation and sufferings.


The aims of the proposed project is to improve the livelihood of refugees/asylum seekers through improved care and maintenance and protection of their basic human rights; to curb xenophobia and hostility  against them and strengthen advocacy.


The Caritas Tanzania (CT.) which is an organ of Tanzania Episcopal Conference whose one of its objective is advocate on behalf of marginalised and other disadvantaged groups in the society is responsible for this project.  It has been working with refugees in the camps/settlements and in the urban centres.  Its main focus is to support dioceses who are implementers of rural refugee programmes.  In Dar es Salaam CT. is already working with urban refugees, mostly vulnerable groups though at a limited scale due to its financial constraints.  It has acquired enough experience in working with refugees and with local and International Agencies working with refugees.